Roblox Adopt Me Pets All
Buffalo Common Cracked Egg, Pet Egg
True cat Common Starter Egg
Dog Common Starter Egg
Otter Common Croaky Egg, Pet Egg
Craven Common Farm Egg (no longer buyable)
Robin Common Christmas Egg (no longer buyable)
Bandicoot Common Aussie Egg (no longer buyable)
Chick Mutual Easter Egg (no longer buyable)
Tasmanian Tiger Common Fossil Egg (no longer buyable)
Basis Sloth Mutual Fossil Egg (no longer buyable)
Stingray Common Bounding main Egg (no longer buyable)
Wolpertinger Mutual Mythic Egg
Walrus Common Walrus Box (no longer buyable)
Blue Canis familiaris Uncommon Blue Egg (no longer buyable)
Chocolate Labrador Uncommon Cracked Egg, Pet Egg, Royal Egg
Fennec Flim-flam Uncommon Croaky Egg, Pet Egg, Royal Egg
Pink Cat Uncommon Pink Egg (no longer buyable)
Puma Uncommon Croaky Egg, Pet Egg, Majestic Egg
Snow Cat Uncommon Cracked Egg, Pet Egg, Imperial Egg
Meerkat Uncommon Safari Egg (no longer buyable)
Wild Boar Uncommon Safari Egg (no longer buyable)
Black Panther Uncommon Jungle Egg (no longer buyable)
Capybara Uncommon Jungle Egg (no longer buyable)
Silly Duck Uncommon Subcontract Egg (no longer buyable)
Drake Uncommon Farm Egg (no longer buyable)
Wolf Uncommon Christmas Egg (no longer buyable)
Dingo Uncommon Aussie Egg (no longer buyable)
Triceratops Uncommon Fossil Egg (no longer buyable)
Stegosaurus Uncommon Fossil Egg (no longer buyable)
Glyptodon Uncommon Fossil Egg (no longer buyable)
Bat Uncommon Bat Box (no longer buyable)
Snowman Uncommon Purchased for 2000 Gingerbread (no longer buyable) –
Crab Uncommon Ocean Egg (no longer buyable) 17.5%
Dolphin Uncommon Ocean Egg (no longer buyable) 17.5%
2021 Uplift Butterfly Uncommon Purchased for 1500 Bucks near Neighborhood (no longer buyable) –
Kirin Uncommon Mythic Egg nineteen%
Halloween Black Mummy Cat Uncommon Halloween Mummy True cat Box (no longer buyable) seventy%
Halloween Blue Scorpion Uncommon Purchased for 300 Processed from the Halloween Store (no longer buyable) –
Snow Leopard Uncommon Purchased for 10000 Gingerbread (no longer buyable) –
Beaver Rare Cracked Egg, Pet Egg, Purple Egg 4.83% (Croaky Egg)
6.75% (Pet Egg)
nine.25% (Royal Egg)
Rabbit Rare Croaky Egg, Pet Egg, Imperial Egg four.83% (Cracked Egg)
6.75% (Pet Egg)
9.25% (Royal Egg)
Elephant Rare Safari Egg (no longer buyable) 18.5%
Hyena Rare Safari Egg (no longer buyable) 18.5%
Bunny Rare Croaky Egg, Pet Egg, Regal Egg 4.83% (Cracked Egg)
half-dozen.75% (Pet Egg)
ix.25% (Royal Egg)
Snow Puma Rare Cracked Egg, Pet Egg, Royal Egg 4.83% (Cracked Egg)
6.75% (Pet Egg)
nine.25% (Royal Egg)
Brown Bear Rare Jungle Egg (no longer buyable) 18.v%
Australian Kelpie Rare Aussie Egg (no longer buyable) thirteen.5%
Cow Rare Farm Egg (no longer buyable) 13.v%
Pig Rare Farm Egg (no longer buyable) 13.5%
Swan Rare Christmas Egg (no longer buyable) 7.25%
Polar Conduct Rare Christmas Egg (no longer buyable) vii.25%
Shrew Rare Purchased for 23,000 Gingerbread (no longer buyable) –
Rat Rare Rat Box (no longer buyable) 93.33%
Emu Rare Aussie Egg (no longer buyable) 13.5%
Monkey Rare Monkey Box, Premium Monkey Box (both are no longer buyable) 100% (Monkey Box)
90% (Premium Monkey Box)
Rhino Rare Jungle Egg (no longer buyable) 18.v%
Wooly Mammoth Rare Fossil Egg 8.33%
Dilophosaurus Rare Fossil Egg 8.33%
Pterodactyl Rare Fossil Egg 8.33%
Musk Ox Rare Purchased for 3,500 Gingerbread (no longer buyable) –
Lynx Rare Purchased for 4,000 Gingerbread (no longer buyable) –
Ox Rare Ox Box (no longer buyable) threescore%
Narwhal Rare Ocean Egg (no longer buyable) fifteen%
Seahorse Rare Ocean Egg (no longer buyable) 15%
Merhorse Rare Mythic Egg 17%
Sasquatch Rare Mythic Egg 17%
Halloween Evil Dachshund Rare Purchased for i,000 Candy (no longer buyable) –
Halloween White Mummy True cat Rare Halloween Mummy Cat Box (no longer buyable) 25%
Husky Rare Purchased for 40,000 Gingerbread (no longer buyable) –
Summer Walrus Rare Walrus Box (no longer buyable) 26%
Lunar Tiger Rare Lunar Tiger Box (no longer buyable) lx%
Abyssinian Cat Rare Purchased for 750 Bucks from the Desert Shop –
Flamingo Ultra-Rare Safari Egg (no longer buyable) 7.5%
Horse Ultra-Rare Purchased every bit a Gamepass Pet for 300 Robux (no longer buyable) –
King of beasts Ultra-Rare Safari Egg (no longer buyable) seven.v%
Ruby-red Panda Ultra-Rare Cracked Egg, Pet Egg, Royal Egg
Shiba Inu Ultra-Rare Cracked Egg, Pet Egg, Royal Egg
Penguin Ultra-Rare Give Gold Goldfish (225 Robux) to a Penguin ten% chance of Golden Penguin
90% take chances of normal Penguin
Crocodile Ultra-Rare Jungle Egg (no longer buyable) 7.5%
Playtpus Ultra-Rare Jungle Egg (no longer buyable) 7.5%
Sloth Ultra-Rare Purchased for 199 Robux from the Pet Shop or the Gamepass –
Zombie Buffalo Ultra-Rare Purchased for 36,000 Candy (no longer buyable) –
Bee Ultra-Rare Requite Honey (199 Robux) to Bee 87.5%
Turkey Ultra-Rare Farm Egg (no longer buyable) 7.five%
Llama Ultra-Rare Farm Egg (no longer buyable) 7.five%
Arctic Play a joke on Ultra-Rare Christmas Egg 6%
Hedgehog Ultra-Rare Purchased for 80,500 Gingerbread (no longer buyable) –
Dalmatian Ultra-Rare Purchased for 250 Robux (no longer buyable) –
Panda Ultra-Rare Purchased with Gamepass for 249 Robux
Koala Ultra-Rare Aussie Egg (no longer buyable) 7.5%
Frog Ultra-Rare Aussie Egg (no longer buyable) 7.5%
Ginger Cat Ultra-Rare Earn 210 Stars –
Toucan Ultra-Rare Earn 400 Stars –
Starfish Ultra-Rare Earn 550 Stars –
Business Monkey Ultra-Rare iii Briefcase Ingredients and a Monkey (no longer buyable) –
Toy Monkey Ultra-Rare iii Cymbal Ingredients and a Monkey –
Sabertooth Ultra-Rare Fossil Egg (no longer buyable) vii.v%
Deinonychus Ultra-Rare Fossil Egg (no longer buyable) vii.5%
Albino Bat Ultra-Rare Bat Box (no longer buyable) twenty%
Ghost Bunny Ultra-Rare Purchased for 4,000 Processed (no longer buyable) –
Yeti Ultra-Rare Purchased for six,000 Gingerbread (no longer buyable) –
Lunar Ox Ultra-Rare Ox Box (no longer buyable) xxx%
Ladybug Ultra-Rare Give Diamond Lavender (199 Robux) to Ladybug 87.five%
Clownfish Ultra-Rare Ocean Egg (no longer buyable) x%
Lamb Ultra-Rare Purchased for 250 Robux from the Easter Event Stand (no longer buyable) –
Cerise Squirrel Ultra-Rare Purchased for 200 Robux –
Hydra Ultra-Rare Mythic Egg 10%
Wyvern Ultra-Rare Mythic Egg 10%
Halloween White SKeleton Dog Ultra-Rare Purchased for i,200 Processed (no longer buyable) –
Puffin Ultra-Rare Purchased for 120,000 Gingerbread (no longer buyable) –
Giant Black Scarab Ultra-Rare Mud Ball 60%
Giant Blue Scarab Ultra-Rare Mud Ball 37.5%
Lunar White Tiger Ultra-Rare Lunar Tiger Box (no longer buyable) 30%
Dragon Legendary Cracked Egg, Pet Egg, Royal Egg
Giraffe Legendary Safari Egg (no longer buyable) 3%
Griffin Legendary Purchased with Gamepass (600 Robux)
Unicorn Legendary Cracked Egg, Pet Egg, Royal Egg
Golden Penguin Legendary Requite Golden Goldfish (225 Robux) to Penguin 10% chance of Golden Penguin
90% hazard of Penguin
Parrot Legendary Jungle Egg (no longer buyable) 3%
Shadow Dragon Legendary Purchased with Gamepass (ane,000 Robux) no longer buyable
Bat Dragon Legendary Purchased for 180,000 Candy (no longer buyable)
King Bee Legendary Give Love (199 Robux) to Bee x%
Queen Bee Legendary Give Honey (199 Robux) to Bee 2.5%
Owl Legendary Subcontract Egg (no longer buyable) one.v%
Crow Legendary Farm Egg (no longer buyable) 1.5%
Frost Dragon Legendary Purchased for thousand Robux (no longer buyable)
Arctic Reindeer Legendary Christmas Egg (no longer buyable) ane.5%
Turtle Legendary Aussie Egg (no longer buyable) ane.5%
Kangaroo Legendary Aussie Egg (no longer buyable) one.five%
Golden Unicorn Legendary Earn 660 Stars and Golden Egg 33.3%
Golden Griffin Legendary Earn 660 Stars and Gilded Egg 33.3%
Aureate Dragon Legendary Earn 660 Stars and Golden Egg 33.3%
Diamond Unicorn Legendary Earn 660 Stars and Diamond Egg 33.3%
Diamond Griffin Legendary Earn 660 Stars and Diamond Egg 33.3%
Diamond Dragon Legendary Earn 660 Stars and Diamond Egg 33.3%
Albino Monkey Legendary Premium Monkey Box (no longer buyable) x%
Monkey King Legendary 3 Staff Ingredients (Premium Monkey Box) and a normal Monkey 5% chance of getting Staff Ingredient
Ninja Monkey Legendary three Whorl Ingredients (600 Bucks) and a normal Monkey
Kitsune Legendary Purchased for 600 Robux
Evil Unicorn Legendary Purchased for 108,000 Candy (no longer buyable)
Golden Rat Legendary Rat Box (no longer buyable) 6.66%
Dodo Legendary Fossil Egg (no longer buyable) two.5%
T-Rex Legendary Fossil Egg (no longer buyable) ii.five%
Skele-Male monarch Legendary Purchased for 10,000 Candy (no longer buyable)
Cerberus Legendary Purchased for 500 Robux
Robo Dog Legendary Purchased for 600 Robux (no longer buyable)
Snow Owl Legendary Purchased for 10,000 Gingerbread
Frost Fury Legendary Purchased for 800 Robux (no longer buyable)
Guardian Lion Legendary Purchased for 500 Robux (no longer buyable)
Metal Ox Legendary Ox Box (no longer buyable) x%
Aureate Ladybug Legendary Requite Diamond Lavender (199 Robux) to Ladybug x%
Diamond Ladybug Legendary Give Diamond Lavander to Ladybug 2.5%
Peacock Legendary Purchased for 550 Robux
Octopus Legendary Ocean Egg (no longer buyable) ii.v%
Shark Legendary Sea Egg (no longer buyable) 2.5%
Cobra Legendary Purchased for 500 Robux
Goldhorn Legendary Mythic Egg two.5%
Phoenix Legendary Mythic Egg 2.5%
Axolotl Legendary Purchased for 600 Robux
Halloween Golden Mummy Cat Legendary Halloween Mummy True cat Boxes (no longer buyable) v%
Halloween White Ghost Dragon Legendary Purchased for one thousand Robux (no longer buyable)
Gilded Walrus Legendary Walrus Box 4%
Ice Golem Legendary Purchased for i,000 Robux (no longer buyable)
Behemothic Gold Scarab Legendary Mud Ball ii.5%
Lunar Gold Tiger Legendary Lunar Tiger Box (no longer buyable) 10%
Dancing Dragon Legendary Purchased for 800 Robux (no longer buyable)
Lavender Dragon Legendary Gift for purchasing DJ Gamepass (no longer buyable)

6.75% (Pet Egg)
nine.25% (Royal Egg)

6.75% (Pet Egg)
9.25% (Royal Egg)

half-dozen.75% (Pet Egg)
ix.25% (Royal Egg)

6.75% (Pet Egg)
nine.25% (Royal Egg)

90% take chances of normal Penguin

90% hazard of Penguin

Roblox Adopt Me Pets All,
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